Leveraging explanation quality for model selection#

In this notebook we are going to explore how, using teex, we can improve our model selection procedures. We follow the procedure described in Jia et al. (2021).

0. Approach#

Intuitively, a model that has a good predictive performance and makes decisions based on reasonable evidence is better than one that achieves the same level of accuracy but makes decisions based on circumstantial evidence. So, given an explanation model, we can investigate which evidence a model is basing its decisions on: a set of explanations will be of quality if it’s based on reasonable evidence and of low quality otherwise. Then, given two models with similar predictive performance, we can leverage whether or not it is basing its decisions on good or bad evidence. With this intuition, we define a model scoring mechanism:

\[score(f) = \alpha \cdot \text{score}_{acc}(f) + (1 - \alpha)\cdot \text{score}_{\text{explanation}}(f)\]

where \(\alpha\) \(\in[0, 1]\) is a hyperparameter, \(f\) is the model being assessed and \(\text{score}_{acc}(f)\) and \(\text{score}_{\text{explanation}}(f)\) are accuracy and explanation scores, respectively. All models \(f_1, ..., f_n\) will be assigned a score and we will choose based on it. teex will help us compute \(\text{score}_{\text{explanation}}(f)\). From here, we will perform some experiments to see how correlated is the performance from models picked with this custom score with their performance on the test set.

random_state = 888

import teex.saliencyMap.data as sm_data
import teex.saliencyMap.eval as sm_eval

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import copy
import random
import pickle
import altair as alt
import pandas as pd


from sklearn import metrics, model_selection
from captum import attr
from captum.attr import visualization as viz
from torch import optim
from torchvision import models, transforms
from torch.utils import data
from scipy import stats

1. Getting the data#

We are going to work with a subset of the Oxford-IIIT Pet dataset, included in teex. It contains roughly 7000 images from 37 categories.

oxford_data = sm_data.OxfordIIIT()

We have the following classes available

{0: 'cat_Abyssinian',
 1: 'dog_american_bulldog',
 2: 'dog_american_pit_bull_terrier',
 3: 'dog_basset_hound',
 4: 'dog_beagle',
 5: 'cat_Bengal',
 6: 'cat_Birman',
 7: 'cat_Bombay',
 8: 'dog_boxer',
 9: 'cat_British_Shorthair',
 10: 'dog_chihuahua',
 11: 'cat_Egyptian_Mau',
 12: 'dog_english_cocker_spaniel',
 13: 'dog_english_setter',
 14: 'dog_german_shorthaired',
 15: 'dog_great_pyrenees',
 16: 'dog_havanese',
 17: 'dog_japanese_chin',
 18: 'dog_keeshond',
 19: 'dog_leonberger',
 20: 'cat_Maine_Coon',
 21: 'dog_miniature_pinscher',
 22: 'dog_newfoundland',
 23: 'cat_Persian',
 24: 'dog_pomeranian',
 25: 'dog_pug',
 26: 'cat_Ragdoll',
 27: 'cat_Russian_Blue',
 28: 'dog_saint_bernard',
 29: 'dog_samoyed',
 30: 'dog_scottish_terrier',
 31: 'dog_shiba_inu',
 32: 'cat_Siamese',
 33: 'cat_Sphynx',
 34: 'dog_staffordshire_bull_terrier',
 35: 'dog_wheaten_terrier',
 36: 'dog_yorkshire_terrier'}

We are going to work in a 4 class setting: let us choose some animals!

num_classes = 4
batch_size = 10
input_size = 224

iSi, lSi, eSi = oxford_data.get_class_observations(32) # Siamese cats
iMaine, lMaine, eMaine = oxford_data.get_class_observations(20) # Maine Coon cats
iJapChin, lJapChin, eJapChin = oxford_data.get_class_observations(17) # Japanese Chin dogs
iPinscher, lPinscher, ePinscher = oxford_data.get_class_observations(21) # Mini Pinscher dogs

classDict = {
    32: 0,
    20: 1,
    17: 2,
    21: 3
f, axarr = plt.subplots(2,4, figsize=(10, 3))




(-0.5, 276.5, 199.5, -0.5)

1.1. Utils#

Here are some utils that will be used later on. This notebook implements classes and methods that can be reused and are robust, so that later experimentation is

  • easy

  • replicable

def swap_to_original(im):
    """ Swap np.array from C*H*W to H*W*C or from W*H to H*W"""
    if len(im.shape) > 2:
        return np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(im, 0, 2), 0, 1)
        return np.swapaxes(im, 0, 1)

def create_data(demo_data, exps, random_state, returnIndexes = False):
    """ Returns a dataloaders dict for training and two dicts:
        1. All data
        2. Explanations

        These dicts are indexed by the split (train / val / test). """

    data_length = len(demo_data)
    train_idx, test_idx = model_selection.train_test_split(list(range(data_length)), train_size=0.3, random_state=random_state)
    train_idx, val_idx = model_selection.train_test_split(train_idx, test_size=0.3, random_state=random_state)

    all_data = {}
    all_data['train'] = data.Subset(demo_data, train_idx)
    all_data['val'] = data.Subset(demo_data, val_idx)
    all_data['test'] = data.Subset(demo_data, test_idx)

    all_exps = {}
    all_exps['train'] = exps[train_idx]
    all_exps['val'] = exps[val_idx]
    all_exps['test'] = exps[test_idx]

    dataloaders_dict = {split: data.DataLoader(all_data[split],
                                           num_workers=0) for split in ['train', 'val', 'test']}

    if returnIndexes is True:
        return dataloaders_dict, all_data, all_exps, train_idx, val_idx, test_idx
        return dataloaders_dict, all_data, all_exps

def set_parameter_requires_grad(model):
    for param in model.parameters():
        param.requires_grad = False

def replace_layers(model, old, new):
    """ Many Captum attribution methods require
    ReLU operations to NOT be inplace. We will use this
    method to modify the pretrained model's behaviour. """

    for n, module in model.named_children():
        if len(list(module.children())) > 0:
            ## compound module, go inside it
            replace_layers(module, old, new)
        if isinstance(module, old):
            ## simple module
                n = int(n)
                model[n] = new
                setattr(model, n, new)

def highlight_max(s):
    highlight the maximum in a Series yellow.
    is_max = s == s.max()
    return ['background-color: yellow' if v else '' for v in is_max]

2. Declaring our classifiers#

We create a common model class that will help us perform the experiments and implement its logic. See how we use teex in the explanation evaluation function!

class Model:
    """ Our Model class. Training will be performed with
    learning rate of 0.001 and momentum 0.9, using a standard gradient descent
    optimizer and cross entropy loss. """

    def __init__(self, modelName: str, model: torch.nn.Module,
                 input_size: int, random_state: int = 888) -> None:
        self.modelName = modelName
        self.model = model
        self.random_state = random_state
        self.input_size = input_size

        self._trained = False
        self._valid_explainers = ("ggcam", "sal", "gshap", "bp")
        self._latent_explainers = {
            "ggcam": attr.GuidedGradCam,
            "sal": attr.Saliency,
            "gshap": attr.GradientShap,
            "bp": attr.GuidedBackprop
        self._lr = 0.001
        self._device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
        self._optim_momentum = 0.9
        self._optimizer = optim.SGD(self.model.parameters(), lr=self._lr, momentum=self._optim_momentum)
        self._criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

    def train(self, dataloaders: dict, epochs: int = 10,
              log_models: bool = False, verbose: bool = True) -> None:

        if self._trained:
            raise Exception("Model is already trained.")

        model_log = [] # contains deep copies of self at each training epoch

        for epoch in range(epochs):
            if verbose:
                print('Epoch {} / {}'.format(epoch + 1, epochs))
                print('-' * 10)

            for phase in ['train', 'val']:
                if phase == 'train':

                running_loss = 0.0
                running_corrects = 0

                for inputs, labels in dataloaders[phase]:
                    inputs = inputs.to(self._device)
                    labels = labels.to(self._device)

                    # zero the parameter gradients

                    # forward
                    # track history if only in train
                    with torch.set_grad_enabled(phase == 'train'):
                        # Get model outputs and calculate loss
                        outputs = self.model(inputs)
                        loss = self._criterion(outputs, labels)

                        _, preds = torch.max(outputs, 1)

                        if phase == 'train':

                    running_loss += loss.item() / inputs.size(0)
                    running_corrects += torch.sum(preds == labels.data)

                epoch_loss = running_loss / len(dataloaders[phase].dataset)
                epoch_acc = running_corrects.double() / len(dataloaders[phase].dataset)

                if verbose:
                    print(f"{self.modelName} {phase} Loss {epoch_loss:.4f} Acc {epoch_acc:.4f}")

            if log_models:
                model_copy = copy.deepcopy(self)
                model_copy._trained = True

        self._trained = True

        if log_models:
            return model_log

    def get_explanations(self,
                         X: np.ndarray,
                         method: str = "sal",
                         expParams: dict = None,
                         attrParams: dict = None) -> np.ndarray:

        if self._check_is_trained() and self._check_explainer(method):
            if expParams is None:
                expParams = {}
            if attrParams is None:
                attrParams = {}
            explainer = self._get_explainer(method, **expParams)
            pred_labels = self.get_predictions(X)
            exps = explainer.attribute(inputs=X, target=pred_labels, **attrParams)
            retExps = []
            for exp in exps:
                swapped = swap_to_original(exp.detach().numpy())
                retExps.append(np.abs(viz._normalize_image_attr(swapped, 'positive', 2)))
            return np.stack(retExps)

    def get_predictions(self, X):
        if self._check_is_trained():
            _ , preds = torch.max(self.model(X), dim=1)
            return preds

    def compute_acc(self, gtY, y) -> float:
        scores = metrics.accuracy_score(y, gtY)
        return np.mean(scores)

    def compute_exp_score(self, gtExps, predExps) -> float:
        return sm_eval.saliency_map_scores(gtExps, predExps, metrics="auc")

    def compute_total_score(self,
                            gtY: np.ndarray,
                            y: np.ndarray,
                            gtExps: np.ndarray,
                            exps: np.ndarray,
                            alpha: float) -> float:

        return [alpha * self.compute_acc(gtY, y) + (1 - alpha) * self.compute_exp_score(gtExps, exps)][0][0]

    def _check_is_trained(self) -> bool:
        if self._trained:
            return True
            raise Exception("Model is not trained yet!")

    def _check_explainer(self, exp: str) -> bool:
        if exp not in self._valid_explainers:
            raise ValueError(f"Explainer {exp} is not valid. ({self._valid_explainers})")
            return True

    def _get_explainer(self, exp: str, **kwargs) -> bool:
        if kwargs is not None:
            explainer = self._latent_explainers[exp](self.model, **kwargs)
            explainer = self._latent_explainers[exp](self.model)

        return explainer

We then get 3 models, modify them to our use case and initialize them. 1 of them is not pre-trained, the others are.

def generate_models(num_classes, input_size, modelNames):

    """ Instance a SqueezeNet and a ResNet18, both pretrained, and modify them to our
    particular problem. """

    # SqueezeNet
    sqz = models.squeezenet1_0(weights="DEFAULT")
    replace_layers(sqz, nn.ReLU, nn.ReLU(inplace=False))
    sqz.classifier[1] = torch.nn.Conv2d(512, num_classes, kernel_size=(1,1), stride=(1,1))
    sqz.num_classes = num_classes

    # ResNet18 (pre-trained)
    rnetPre = models.resnet18(weights="DEFAULT")
    replace_layers(rnetPre, nn.ReLU, nn.ReLU(inplace=False))
    num_ftrs = rnetPre.fc.in_features
    rnetPre.fc = nn.Linear(num_ftrs, num_classes)

    # ResNet18 (random init.)
    rnetEmpty = models.resnet18(weights=None)
    replace_layers(rnetEmpty, nn.ReLU, nn.ReLU(inplace=False))
    num_ftrs = rnetEmpty.fc.in_features
    rnetEmpty.fc = nn.Linear(num_ftrs, num_classes)

    squeezeNet = Model(modelNames[0], sqz, input_size)
    resNetPre = Model(modelNames[1], rnetPre, input_size)
    resNetEmpty = Model(modelNames[2], rnetEmpty, input_size)

    return squeezeNet, resNetPre, resNetEmpty

3. Preparing our data#

Now, we are going to incorporate our data into a torch.Dataset, for easy batching and loading. We also create the data splits and transform the observations to the model’s required input size.

class DemoData(data.Dataset):
    """ A base Dataset class for compatibility with PyTorch """

    def __init__(self, data, labels) -> None:
        self.data = data
        self.labels = labels

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.data)

    def __getitem__(self, slice):
        return self.data[slice], self.labels[slice]

def transform(images, input_size, normalize=True):

    """ Transformation of input images so that they work with our models.
    A resize, centering and a normalisation (only if the
    images are not explanations) are performed. """

    transform = transforms.Compose([

    if normalize:
        norm = transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
        d = [norm(transform(im)) for im in images]
        d = [transform(im) for im in images]
    return torch.stack(d, axis=0)

indexes = random.sample(list(range(len(iSi) + len(iPinscher) + len(iJapChin) + len(iMaine))),
                        len(iSi) + len(iPinscher) + len(iJapChin) + len(iMaine))
ims, labs, exps = (iSi + iPinscher + iJapChin + iMaine,
                   lSi + lPinscher + lJapChin + lMaine,
                   eSi + ePinscher + eJapChin + eMaine)

original_images = transform([ims[idx] for idx in indexes], input_size, normalize=False)
ims = transform([ims[idx] for idx in indexes], input_size, normalize=True)
# transform labels from their class ID to [0, 1, 2, 3]
labs = torch.LongTensor([classDict[labs[idx]] for idx in indexes])
exps = np.squeeze(transform([exps[idx] for idx in indexes], input_size, normalize=False).numpy())

demo_data = DemoData(ims, labs)

now, using a previously declared utility function, creating the dataloaders is easy. By default, we are using a 20 / 10 / 70 split and a batch size of 10 on all experiments.

dataloaders_dict, all_data, all_exps, _, _, test_idx = create_data(demo_data, exps, random_state, returnIndexes = True)

We can easily train the models:

modelNames = ["SqueezeNet", "ResNet18 (pre-trained)", "ResNet18 (random init)"]
squeezeNet, resNet, resNetEmpty = generate_models(num_classes, input_size, modelNames)

squeezeNet.train(dataloaders_dict, epochs=2)
resNet.train(dataloaders_dict, epochs=2)
resNetEmpty.train(dataloaders_dict, epochs=2)
Epoch 1 / 2
SqueezeNet train Loss 0.0093 Acc 0.6429
SqueezeNet val Loss 0.0084 Acc 0.9028
Epoch 2 / 2
SqueezeNet train Loss 0.0023 Acc 0.9107
SqueezeNet val Loss 0.0014 Acc 0.9583
Epoch 1 / 2
ResNet18 (pre-trained) train Loss 0.0108 Acc 0.5952
ResNet18 (pre-trained) val Loss 0.0104 Acc 0.8472
Epoch 2 / 2
ResNet18 (pre-trained) train Loss 0.0047 Acc 0.8869
ResNet18 (pre-trained) val Loss 0.0039 Acc 1.0000
Epoch 1 / 2
ResNet18 (random init) train Loss 0.0155 Acc 0.2024
ResNet18 (random init) val Loss 0.0226 Acc 0.2361
Epoch 2 / 2
ResNet18 (random init) train Loss 0.0150 Acc 0.2798
ResNet18 (random init) val Loss 0.0258 Acc 0.2361

With the models trained, we can also perform predictions and evaluate them in a straightforward manner (note that here they only have been trained for 2 epochs):

test_preds = squeezeNet.get_predictions(all_data['test'][:][0])
test_acc = squeezeNet.compute_acc(test_preds, all_data['test'][:][1])
print(f"SqueezeNet: {round(test_acc * 100, 2)}% of test accuracy.")

test_preds = resNet.get_predictions(all_data['test'][:][0])
test_acc = resNet.compute_acc(test_preds, all_data['test'][:][1])
print(f"ResNet (pre-trained): {round(test_acc * 100, 2)}% of test accuracy.")

test_preds = resNetEmpty.get_predictions(all_data['test'][:][0])
test_acc = resNetEmpty.compute_acc(test_preds, all_data['test'][:][1])
print(f"ResNet (random init): {round(test_acc * 100, 2)}% of test accuracy.")
SqueezeNet: 93.39% of test accuracy.
ResNet (pre-trained): 98.04% of test accuracy.
ResNet (random init): 25.54% of test accuracy.

We can also compute explanations with different explanation methods:

pred_exps_sal = squeezeNet.get_explanations(all_data['test'][:5][0], method="sal")
pred_exps_bp = squeezeNet.get_explanations(all_data['test'][:5][0], method="bp")
pred_exps_ggcam = squeezeNet.get_explanations(all_data['test'][:5][0],
                                              expParams={"layer": squeezeNet.model.features[12]})
pred_exps_gshap = squeezeNet.get_explanations(all_data['test'][:5][0],
                                              attrParams={'baselines': torch.zeros((1, 3, input_size, input_size))})
i = 4
f, axarr = plt.subplots(2, 3)
axarr[0,0].set_title('Original Image', fontsize=9)

axarr[0,1].set_title('G.T. explanation', fontsize=9)

axarr[0,2].set_title('GShap expl.', fontsize=9)

axarr[1,0].set_title('Sal. expl.', fontsize=9)

axarr[1,1].set_title('GGCAM expl.', fontsize=9)

axarr[1,2].set_title('GBackProp. expl.', fontsize=9)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'GBackProp. expl.')

Now we are ready to experiment.

4. Performing the experiments#

In this section we are going to put everything together. These are the steps to be followed in order to obtain our conclusions:

  1. Randomly split our data into 20 / 10 / 70 train, validation and test sets.

  2. Train our models for 10 epochs: we keep each epoch as a model configuration, leaving us with \(N = 2\cdot 10\) models \(f_1, ..., f_N\).

  3. Evaluate, using our custom score function, each model \(f_i\) with \(\alpha \in \{0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1\}\) on the validation set. Note that we use GuidedGradCAM for the generation of explanations.

  4. Compute the test accuracy for all models \(f_i\).

  5. Compute the Pearson correlation between the custom validation scores and test accuracy.

  6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 (5 times) and average the correlations.

def experiment_epoch(data, explanations, alphas, modelNames, random_state):
    """ Steps 1 to 5 of our experiment guide. Return correlations for each model f_i and alpha value. """

    # 1. split data
    dataloaders_dict, all_data, all_exps = create_data(data, explanations, random_state)
    correlations = {}

    for alpha_value in alphas:
        squeezeNet, resNetPre, resNetEmpty = generate_models(num_classes, input_size, modelNames)
        evals = {}
        correlations[alpha_value] = {}

        # 2. train models
        sqzModels = squeezeNet.train(epochs=1, dataloaders=dataloaders_dict, log_models=True, verbose=False)
        resPreModels = resNetPre.train(epochs=1, dataloaders=dataloaders_dict, log_models=True, verbose=False)
        resEmptyModels = resNetEmpty.train(epochs=10, dataloaders=dataloaders_dict, log_models=True, verbose=False)

        for model in sqzModels + resPreModels + resEmptyModels:
            if model.modelName not in evals:
                evals[model.modelName] = {}
                evals[model.modelName]['score'] = []
                evals[model.modelName]['acc'] = []
            # 3. get custom score on validation
            explainerLayer = model.model.layer4 if "ResNet18" in model.modelName else model.model.features[12]
            PredValExps = model.get_explanations(all_data['val'][:][0],
                                                 expParams={"layer": explainerLayer})
            valPreds = model.get_predictions(all_data['val'][:][0])
            score = model.compute_total_score(all_data['val'][:][1], valPreds,
                                              all_exps['val'][:], PredValExps, alpha_value)
            # 4. get accuracy on test
            testPreds = model.get_predictions(all_data['test'][:][0])
            testAcc = model.compute_acc(all_data['test'][:][1], testPreds)


        # 5. compute correlation
        for modelName in modelNames:
            corr, _ = stats.pearsonr(evals[modelName]['score'],
            correlations[alpha_value][modelName] = corr

    return correlations

We can now average the correlations from all 5 experiment epochs (Warning: long execution time – ~10h in a M1 Pro machine):

[ ]:
experiment_epochs = 5
final_corrs = {}
alphas = np.arange(0, 1.1, 0.1)

for i in range(experiment_epochs):
    corrs = experiment_epoch(demo_data, exps, alphas, modelNames, random_state+i)
    for alpha, corrsDict in corrs.items():
        if alpha not in final_corrs:
            final_corrs[alpha] = {}
        for model, corr in corrsDict.items():
            if model not in final_corrs[alpha]:
                final_corrs[alpha][model] = [corr]

# average results
for alpha, corrsDict in corrs.items():
    for model, corr in corrsDict.items():
        final_corrs[alpha][model] = sum(final_corrs[alpha][model]) / experiment_epochs

Optionally save and load the results:

[ ]:
# with open("final_corrs", "wb") as f:
#    pickle.dump(final_corrs, f)
with open("final_corrs", "rb") as f:
    final_corrs = pickle.load(f)
resultsDf = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(final_corrs)
alphas_beautyfied = [f"α = {round(alpha, 1)}" for alpha in alphas]
resultsDf.set_axis(alphas_beautyfied, axis=1).style.apply(highlight_max, axis=1)
  α = 0.0 α = 0.1 α = 0.2 α = 0.3 α = 0.4 α = 0.5 α = 0.6 α = 0.7 α = 0.8 α = 0.9 α = 1.0
SqueezeNet 0.913715 0.974938 0.959240 0.920658 0.964555 0.954114 0.897218 0.899346 0.900158 0.895084 0.849421
ResNet18 (pre-trained) -0.330267 0.746659 0.785010 0.950277 0.813517 0.764662 0.821083 0.906087 0.813273 0.958297 0.965517
ResNet18 (random init) -0.021246 0.051374 0.164802 0.350333 0.271471 -0.019271 0.293889 -0.044274 0.305680 0.295761 0.286483
plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4))
plt.xlabel("Score α")
plt.legend(["SqueezeNet (pre-trained)", "ResNet18 (pre-trained)", "ResNet18 (random init)"])
plt.title("Average correlation between validation score and test accuracy\n", fontsize=10)

Here a few observations from our results:

  1. SqueezeNet (pre-trained). Performance on test seems to be more correlated to validation explanation quality than to validation accuracy, as can be seen by the steady drop for bigger \(\alpha\) values. Having in mind that \(\alpha = 1\) would mean that we only take into account accuracy and that \(\alpha = 0\) would mean that we only consider explanation quality, we see that, on average, this model perform best with some, but not too much, explanation quality in the mix.

  2. ResNet18 (pre-trained). Opposite to SqueezeNet, correlation between only explanation quality (\(\alpha = 0\)) and test performance is negative on the ResNet model and sharply goes up incorporating accuracy information. Looking into test accuracies, we notice that models in all training epochs have almost perfect test accuracy (~1). In this scenario, and for this particular architecture, it’s possible that explanation quality cannot add a lot of information. This, in turn, can mean that the ordering based on scores is not relevant (explanation scores are all almost equal due to all model performances being ~1).

  3. ResNet18 (random init). In this case, where model performances are not perfect, we note how mixing explanation quality and validation accuracy makes correlation increase steadily, reaching a global maximum at \(\alpha = 0.3\). At this value, a bigger fraction of explanation quality is taken into account for computing the score than of validation accuracy.

5. Next steps: the real world#

Now that we have an intuition on how explanation quality can be leveraged for model selection, how do we proceed? In a real environment, one would have to consider how \(\alpha\) is impacting results. In particular, as we cannot decide on a value ad-hoc, we could, for example, choose a range of values. With that range of values, one can:

  • Use as definitive the most (best) frequent model whithin them

  • Choose the top-k most frequent models and analyse their real-world performance on the go

Even better, we could find a way to better optimise \(\alpha\) without the need to pick multiple models or sacrifing other models that could perform well. This is an interesting research question, and we look forward to seeing it evolve!

6. Conclusion: what we’ve seen#

This was quite a lot! Thank you for your time. Wrapping up, we want to briefly go over the points that this notebook addresses. In particular, this showcase mainly serves the purpose of

  • Being a complex example of how teex can be used

  • Showing how evaluating explanations in the way that teex proposes can be useful

  • Showcasing the ease of use of both loading datasets and evaluating explanations with teex: Although everything surrounding it is complex, see how short the explanation evaluation function is on the class Model! We provide robust evaluation API’s so that you can build whatever you like on top of them.

On a final note: the results reported here are not intended to be a representation of the ones from the paper in which the experiments were based. For more extensive results, check the paper out!